With so many brands focusing on Africa as an emerging economy they must turn their eyes to an African agenda if they want to have sustained growth and new consumers.
By 2050 one in every four people will be African. Sub-Saharan Africa is growing at 2.7% a year – to put that in perspective Africa is adding the population of France every 2 years. With most countries having 50% of the population as womxn who are starting to occupy more space in the workplace it is easy to extrapolate the changing face of consumers on the continent has the participation in financial inclusion increases. Brands will have a significant audience that are womxn.
The association with other prestigious brands that have a track record of excellence and working on platforms that are credible and authentic in their support of transformation. The post-pandemic era will interrogate corporate responsibility in a new way. The event offers brands or businesses the perfect way to foster social transformation and to position African womxn in a celebratory manner. It will be metaphor for womxn all around the world wanting to be part of a pervasive ‘sisterhood’